

Titre : Droit à la protection de la santé et lutte contre la fausse information sur internet en période pandemique

Auteur (s) : Jimmy Kamunga Ngalula

Abstract :

News relating to the Covid-19 pandemic had invaded the web via the various media and social networks. As a result of the growing fear due to the ultra-contagious virus and especially the lack of appropriate treatment, Internet users were all exposed to an avalanche of contradictory, misleading and false information freely disseminated expression. All in all, some presented an imminent and serious danger to both public and individual health and constituted disinformation or health misinformation. This article demonstrates that while the freedom to communicate or receive information or ideas on the Internet is crucial in a democratic society, the right to the protection of health requires that society receive good and true information in order to preserve the individual of all the possible risks presented by false or misleading information on human health in the context of a health crisis such as a pandemic. Freedom of opinion and expression goes hand in hand with public health.

Editeur : RECOSH

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